Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) has been used for over 2,500 years to treat diseases and improve health. Acupuncture works by helping your body to heal itself. Needles are gently inserted at specific points along pathways, called meridians, to adjust the flow of energy, or qi. This helps to restore the healthy functioning of multiple systems, alleviating specific symptoms while relieving pain, decreasing stress and enhancing well being.
In biomedical terms, acupuncture works through the stimulation or |
suppression of multiple neurological and endocrine pathways. Not only does acupuncture induce the production and release of endorphins, but functional MRI studies have demonstrated that different acupuncture points can stimulate or suppress activity in specific areas of the brain.
Research on the scientific mechanisms of acupuncture is ongoing and we are constantly learning more about how the therapeutic effects of acupuncture are achieved. Some of the most significant research on acupuncture is being done in the fields of neurology, cancer treatment, and basic science.
Research on the scientific mechanisms of acupuncture is ongoing and we are constantly learning more about how the therapeutic effects of acupuncture are achieved. Some of the most significant research on acupuncture is being done in the fields of neurology, cancer treatment, and basic science.