women's healthFor thousands of years, women have used Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) to treat disease and improve health, naturally. Symptoms which often respond well to Chinese medicine include, but are not limited to:
internal medicine and wellnessIn addition to gynecological conditions, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can treat a wide range of other physical and emotional symptoms, such as:
menstrual health"Menstrual problems are some of my favorite issues to treat, because they have such a significant impact on a woman's quality of life. And acupuncture and herbs are so great at treating them! Whether it's painful periods, heavy periods, periods that last way too long, or out-of-control PMS, Chinese medicine has natural solutions to relieve these symptoms, without the risks and side effects of hormonal or pharmaceutical options. I love hearing patients tell me what a difference acupuncture has made in their life!
what patients are saying...
I have no idea how it works but the results are miraculous. All my life I have struggled with incredibly painful menstrual cycles, often missing days of work due to cramps... After my very first treatment from Virginia there were no more cramps. After a few more treatments, my flow lightened and steadied, I stopped bloating and my emotions were amazingly balanced. I don't question how it works any more. I'm just extremely grateful for Virginia and for Chinese medicine."
~MBL, Actress & Vocal Coach
I have been receiving acupuncture treatments from Dr. Mims, treating severe PMS and peri-menopause. I had decided to try it when my symptoms got to the point of scaring me, but my gynecologist basically said I had to just "deal with it" because my blood work didn't show me needing hormone treatments. But that didn't seem right to me. I knew how I felt and it was really, REALLY off. It was affecting everything and everyone in my life.
I was very nervous my first appointment because of the fear of needles and this also being kind of "out there". But it was amazing.... and the needles don't hurt even a tiny bit! She is so patient when I explain all my symptoms and I literally feel emotionally pampered the entire appointment. But the most important things is I notice an immediate improvement of my symptoms. Even my family notices the change in me each week following a treatment. My husband will even joke with me now when I start acting edgy, crazy, or reaching for sugar every 10 seconds that it might be time to see my "needles doctor" again....that, or he will ask if I'm out of my Chinese herbs. Yes, the improvement has been that huge for me.
This time of change is really emotional and kind of scary and it feels like the only real support I have found has been with Dr. Mims. I love sharing how much better I feel with all my friends and I'm so happy I was open to trying something new and different. It has made all the difference in my life.
~ZB, Professional Musician